Launch Karabiner Elements, open the Preferences, and go to the Devices tab and uncheck “Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad”.

It lets you intercept and remap keyboard input. Install Karabiner Elements - Karabiner Elements is the new version of the a key remapping tool Karabiner.As a Mac user that makes the keyboard pretty much unusable as I would be forever typing “ç√” (option-c option-v) instead of copying and pasting (⌘-c, ⌘-v). It pairs, and you can type, but you can’t remap the command keys. OSX doesn’t recognize the Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Keyboard as a keyboard out of the box. MacOS now recoginizes the Surface Ergonomic Keyboard as a keyboard and you can remap the modifier keys by opening System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys and remapping the keys in the normal way.