
Iambic pentameter sonnets
Iambic pentameter sonnets

iambic pentameter sonnets

Shakespeare’s sonnets are composed of 14 lines, each written in iambic pentameter and most with the traditional rhyme scheme of the English sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg. STRUCTURE AND LANGUAGE IN SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS: Shakespeare’s sonnets helped to increase his prominence as a poet with a unique style. In addition, some of the later sonnets in the series are written about a Dark Lady and focus on degrading sexual desires. In these sonnets, Shakespeare is reiterating to the young man that it is his duty to marry and have kids, urging him to reproduce so that his physical beauty will be eternalized through future generations. The vast majority of these sonnets are addressed to an unnamed attractive young man who represents beauty, love, and praise.

iambic pentameter sonnets iambic pentameter sonnets

Shakespeare’s sonnet sequence is comprised of 154 sonnets that were published in 1609. Title Page of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (1609)

Iambic pentameter sonnets